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Diary 2014.February 19. Wednesday. アレクサンドラ。



Hedrick Smith,
The new Russians, New York, c1990
  新しい露西亜人たち。 NY,c1990

● 中国武漢からつれてきた孫姪アレクサンドラは、言語障害で姪が苦労してきたがどうやら正常発育軌道に乗るらしい。

Alexandra has had a big jump in
gross motor skills in the last couple of months. Shes gone from the baby swing to the regular swing (and moving her legs correctly), shes going down the big slide (and climbing up the slide too), shes climbing and shes hanging from her hands. This last skill is recent. On Friday she hung from the bar for the first time. As of Saturday, she not only hangs but swings like a monkey. Shes starting to talk more too. At home shes been chattering for a while, but shes usually pretty quiet around other people. But last Wednesday, I was visiting one of our neighbors, and she started to tell them: Papa seat belt, airplane, swoom (her way of saying that Eddie was travelling). The other big improvement is that shes not so resistant to new things. For the longest time, Ive been trying to show her how to use her scooter correctly, but shes always said No and sat down on it instead. But on Saturday, she let me show her, and by Sunday she was doing it by herself. Were really excited about all these improvements.


● 僕の今日の眼科検診。うまく行っている。半年後に再検診とのこと。

● チャックのレティナがおかしい。午後2時に彼の眼科医と電話でそうだん。都心のウイルズ眼科病院での検査のために午後2時の電車で去った。今午後四時、まだどうなるかわからない。

● チャックは午後6時に戻った。綿密な検査の結果:Posterior Vitreous Detachmentだそうだ。チャックは既に60歳を過ぎた中老。どうしても、このような結果が現れるらしい。僕は彼が未だに26歳だと思い込んでるが、そうは問屋がおろさない。
